
6 Months Detox Program

Detox at Cellular Level

Ultimate Health Transformation Journey

The Most Comprehensive Health Plan For You

The 6 month Regenerative Detox Program will teach you how to make powerful lifestyle changes that will dramatically improve your overallhealth and gently detoxify your body. This program is much more than just a “juice cleanse,” calorie-restriction dogma or meal plan. This program is a profound mind and body strategy that is designed to create long-lasting transformations in your life.

Note: Before You Buy this Program

What's included in the Program

Watch these 3 Videos

What is Regenerative Detoxification?

Misconception of Disease

Myths about Detoxification

About Our Detox Program

100% Natural

Our detox programs are 100% natural. Nothing packed or artificial stuff

Only Plant Based

WHOLE is a concept of nature. We believe in whole plant based diet system.

No Supplements

The chemistry of the body is misbalanced with supplements, during detox we take no supplements.

Herb Based

Herbs affect specific organs and tissues, so they are very important during your detoxification journey.

Holistic Approach

Not only Physical body, our program includes protocol to work on your mental & emotional body also.

Weekly Calls

Weekly calls to track performance. We do Whatsapp Video Calls on weekly or bi-weekly basis

A Comprehensive Detox Journey

Your 6-Month Path to Holistic Renewal

Month 1

#1 Foundation of Renewal

Assessment & Preparing the Body for Cellular Regeneration Kick off your detox journey with a thorough assessment to understand your body’s needs. This foundational month focuses on preparing your body for the transformative journey ahead, setting the stage for cellular regeneration through initial adjustments and personalized recommendations.

Month 2
month 2

#2 Nourishing the Body

Transition to Raw Foods and Herbal Protocol This month marks a shift towards a diet rich in raw foods, emphasizing an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables. Alongside this dietary change, we introduce a tailored herbal protocol to support detoxification and enhance your body’s natural healing processes.

Month 3

#3 Deep Cleansing

Incorporating Fasting and Eliminating Cooked Foods As we advance, fasting becomes a key component of your detox regimen. This month focuses on eliminating cooked foods to allow your body to delve deeper into cleansing and rejuvenation, promoting a more profound detoxification experience.

Month 4
month 4

#4 Fruit-Only Phase

Exclusive Fruit Diet for Enhanced Purification In the fourth month, we intensify the detoxification process by exclusively consuming fruits. This phase aims to deepen the cleansing effect and provide your body with the essential nutrients required for optimal purification and healing.

Month 5
month 5

#5 Juice Detox

Transitioning to Fruit Juices for Advanced Healing We transition from whole fruits to fruit juices in this phase, focusing on in-depth healing and altering the body’s pH for further detoxification. This shift supports a more intense cleansing process and enhances the body’s ability to eliminate toxins.

Month 6
month 6

#6 Ultimate Purification

Extended Dry Fasting and Mono Fruit Juices The final month involves extended dry fasting combined with a mono fruit juice regimen. This advanced phase aims to achieve maximum detoxification and rejuvenation, allowing your body to reset at a profound level and complete the holistic detox journey.

Video Testimonials of our clients

Real Success Stories

Who should join this Program

People who believe in Natural Healing. People who believe that human body is capable of healing any dis-ease. People who have lost hope. People who have any kind of dis-ease and want to heal it without petrochemical drugs.

3 Reasons why you are not healing

Reason #1

Not addressing the Root Cause

Reason #2

Treating only Symptoms

Reason #3

Not working on your Emotional & Mental Body


24×7 Support

We love what we do and are 100% dedicated to our clients to educate them and help them achieve their goal! Direct access 24/7 to me on Telegram Chat

Personalized Protocol

Get a powerful specific protocol to regenerate and cleanse the tissues in your body in relation to your identified problems and your lifestyle!

Money Back Guarantee

If within 7 days you are not satisfied with the detox package you purchased, you will get your money back within 30 days from the day of purchase, no questions asked.

What you can expect from me:

I will give you my full attention, support and encouragement all the way. My education and experience has made me confident that WE GOT THIS! All of my knowledge and experience is available to you.

What I expect from you:

For you to be enthusiastic about the program and eager to feel amazing! You simply need to be ready to do the work. You need to be committed to the results you deserve.

10 important points you need to know before we start this healing journey: