

Hello, My name is Gagan and I am a Detox Coach

How can we help?

There is no concept of disease in Nature, it is a theory promoted by Modern Medicine. I can help you in getting your body heal itself. I can guide you how to heal your health condition naturally without any petrochemical drugs with foods, herbs and fasting.

Who am I?

I was diagnosed with IBS in 2018. Modern medicine failed to heal my health condition, I came across this unique method of healing called Regenerative Detoxification. I healed my IBS in 6 months with foods, herbs and fasting and now I help and guide people how can they heal themselves naturally.

What is my Qualification?

I am a certified Regenerative Detox coach, Herbalist and an Iridologist. I’ve 5 years experience in the field on Natural Healing and still pursuing my studies under many naturopath Doctors.

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